HR and Administration members skills honed in a committee training

The Human Resource and Administration Committee held a capacity building session on 29th April to 3rd May,2024. Areas of discussion were on Human Resource legal frame- work; Training and Development; Discipline and Grievance Handling; Constitutional Values and Principles; Occupation- al Health and Safety.

“The ORPP leadership is committed to align its Human Re- source management practices and instruments with relevant laws, latest public service Guidelines and larger Human Re- source practicing dynamics”, said Ali Abdullahi, Assistant Registrar, also in charge of Human Resource Management during the opening.

Assistant Registrar of Political Parties, Ali Abdullahi talk to ORPP select committee

“The Committee’s capacity development, is part of the Office’s mechanisms to ensure that members are re-tooled and up scaled for its continued proper and objective dis- charge of wide range of HR functional areas”, added Ali while appreciating the Committee’s for its professional con- duct on its matters.

“I appreciate the HR Committee for its expeditious and objective efforts in handling HR matters. The Office leadership will continue prioritizing training to its other Committees.

This training is essential for accord members insights on current and emerging issues geared towards better welfare of staff including improving reward mechanisms for ORPP staff”, CPA Florence Birya.

“This meeting will also help us take stock of the status report of the Committee to improve in any gaps for better welfare of the staff”, noted with Joseph Kanja, the Committee’s Chairperson.

The sensitization was organized by the Human Resource Management department with support of facilitators from Public Service Commission.

In the training, staff were urged to familiarize themselves with labour related laws, regulations, guidelines and ORPP raft of the instruments to improve on productivity and overall service delivery. The members were also called on to com- ply with these instruments in line with respective engagement terms.

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