In line with the Presidential Public Order No. 2 of 2021 of the 26th March, 2021, you are hereby notified that the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) will scale down its face to face services from 6th April, 2021 until notified otherwise. The scaling down will affect the headquarters, Lion Place , Westlands- Nairobi and its Nakuru office, falling under the zoned area. Other offices in Mombasa, Kisumu, Isiolo, Kitui, Eldoret and Nyeri will remain open with strict adherence to the Covid-19 work spaces guidelines.
In the meantime, stakeholders/clients/public are encouraged to submit service requests on email; General inquiries can be directed through Office social media platforms; Facebook (ORPPKenya) and Twitter (@ORPPKenya).
The Office continues to domesticate containment measures for safety and well-being of staff and stakeholders.We urge our stakeholders to obey the Covid-19 preventive measures spelt out by the relevant government authorities.