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Constitution of Kenya - Amendment Bill 2024

This Bill seeks to amend the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 to provide for additional seats in the National Assembly and Senate in order to implement the principle of at least five percent of the members of the public in elective and appointive bodies should be persons with disability. The Bill therefore amends Article 54 of the Constitution to remove the word “progress” in respect of the implementation of the principal that at least five percent of the members of the public in elective and appointive bodies are persons with disabilities. Additionally, the Bill proposes to amend Articles 97 and 98 of the Constitution to ensure that five percent of members of the National Assembly and the Senate are representatives of persons with disability. This is intended to increase representation of persons with disability in the National Assembly and Senate so as to address the historical exclusion of persons with disability from decision-making processes, resulting in laws and policies that do not reflect their unique challenges and needs. By ensuring the adequate representation of persons with disability improvement, the Bill aims to ensure that their voices are heard, and their interests and needs are taken into account in decision-making. Further, the Bill amends Articles 90(1) and 101(1) of the Constitution which provides for allocation of party list seats and vacancies in such seats, respectively, as a consequence of the amendment in Article 97 of the Constitution.

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County Government Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024

The County Governments Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2024, proposes changes to the County Governments Act (No. 17 of 2012) and the Elections Act (No. 24 of 2011). Its main goal is to guarantee that individuals with disabilities occupy at least 5% of the seats in county assemblies, in line with the requirements of Article 54(2) of the Constitution. Furthermore, the Bill aims to ensure a fair allocation of positions for marginalized groups, including youth, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented communities.

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The Election Offences (Amendment) (No.2) Bill, 2024

The Election Offences (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2024, aims to revise the Election Offences Act to improve the transparency and integrity of Kenya's electoral processes. It introduces harsher penalties for violations, such as conducting elections in unapproved polling stations, to discourage unlawful activities and enforce adherence to electoral regulations. The proposal is part of a broader strategy to resolve political tensions and disputes from previous elections, to reinforce democratic systems and foster fair electoral practices across the country.

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The Elections (Amendment) (No. 2) (Senate Bills No. 29), 2024

Cited in Kenya Gazette Supplement No. 99, published 7th May, 2024. A Bill for an Act of Parliament to amend the Elections Act and for connected purposes

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The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Amendment) Act, 2024

Date of Assent: 9th July, 2024. An Act of Parliament to amend the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Act and for connected purposes. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Amendment) Act, 2024, was introduced to improve the effectiveness and trustworthiness of Kenya's electoral system. One of its main provisions requires the Commission to carry out a thorough review of electoral laws and boundaries within one year after every general election, with the results made available in the Kenya Gazette. This reform is designed to address public concerns and strengthen confidence in the electoral process.

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The Political Parties (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, No.26 of 2024

The Bill seeks to amend the Political Parties Act, Cap. 7D, to enhance the regulation and management of political parties in Kenya. It addresses various aspects of political party operations, including membership, governance, and compliance with legal requirements. By introducing these amendments, the Bill should strengthen the political party system, promote internal democracy, and ensure transparency and accountability within political parties. This is part of a broader initiative to improve the political landscape in Kenya and foster a more robust democratic process.

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The Code of Conduct for Political Parties

The Code of Conduct for Political Parties in Kenya, outlined in the First Schedule of the Political Parties Act, 2011, establishes guidelines to ensure that political parties operate within democratic principles and promote good governance.

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Civil Appeal No. E045 of 2023

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) - Appellant versus The Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) - Respondent and MDP, ODM, PPK, CCU, JP, and DEP as interested parties. An appeal from the judgement of the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal dated and delivered o 13th January, 2023 in Nairobi PPDT Appeal No. E009 of 2022

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Constitutional Petition No. E454 of 2022

The petition arises from a list published in a Gazette Notice dated 9th September 2022. The Petitioner contended does not conform to the Constitutional dictates in respect of Persons living with Disabilities (PWDs), women, and the youth. The Petitioners thus challenge Section 36 (8) of the Elections Act on the grounds that it is unconstitutional.

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