ORPP witnesses screening of film on experiences of women informal settlements and grassroots women political mobilisers

The ORPP on invitation of Badili Africa, a Community Based advocacy on 5th December 2024 witnessed unwilling of a documentary highlighting the plight and experiences of women political mobilisers.The film was part was part of the commemorations for the 16 Days of Activist Gender-Based Violence and stakeholders involved in the project support to grassroots women in politics.

In the forum, ORPP through Jane Kamau, on behalf of the Registrar participated in a panel discussion reflecting on the documentary and also gave perspectives of the Office in supporting women including aspirants in their quest for elections and leadership in political parties.

“As a mobilizer, you need to fully understand political and electoral processes for you to support your political course. You need also to join and actively participate political parties so as to gain from various ORPP support initiatives such as capacity building for women”, said Ms Kamau in a panel discussion.

Jane Kamau (extreme right) head of Administration and fellow discussants after the event

The discussions proposed strategies for civic engagement, bridging the gender parity gap in political leadership, addressing gender-based violence in electoral contexts and their life in general.

The film themed- The Women King Makers-Unseen faces, Unread voices, was with support of Canadian High Commission, UN Women. In graphical illustrations, it shone light on efforts of women in political mobilizers in Kenya, examining their substantial impact on the political landscape and underscoring the urgent need to address the gender-based violence faced by politically active women during elections and in their public roles.


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