ORPP finalizes monitoring of mini polls in 7 electoral areas

Corporate Communication Unit.

Lion Place Nairobi, Kenya; March 10, 2021

The Office of Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) has concluded the monitoring exercise in seven by-elections held in different parts of the country on 4th March, 2021. This was in line with Section 34 (a) that obliges the Office to register, regulate, monitor, investigate and supervise political parties to ensure compliance with the Political Parties Ac, 2011.

Different teams were on ground to monitor the mini polls in two constituencies and 5 ward contests. The seats that fell vacant on diverse dates were for Kabuchai and Matungu Constituencies and of London (Nakuru), Hell’s Gate (Naivasha), Kiamokama (Kisii), Huruma (Uasin Gishu) and Kitise/Kithuki (Makueni) wards.

A number of political parties fielded candidates. Some of the parties were: Jubilee Party, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), United Democratic Alliance (UDA), Amani National Congress (ANC), Ford Kenya, Wiper Democratic Movement, Party of Economic Democracy (PED), The New Democrats (TND), Muungano Party, United Democratic Party (UDP), Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG), Maendeleo Chap Chap Party,Ukweli Party, Federal Party of Kenya (FPK) Peoples Trust Party (PTP) , Party of Economic Democracy (PED), The Service Party (TSP), Restore and Build Kenya (RBK), Progressive Party of Kenya (PPOK), Democratic Party of Kenya (DP), Alliance for Real Change  (ARK), Justice and Freedom Party (JFP), Chama cha Mashinani (CCM), Republican  Liberty Party (RLP) among others.



Voters queue early morning to vote at Milimani Primary School, in Nakuru Town for the London ward by-election on 4th March, 2021

Largely, the by-elections reports, had mixed experiences with a number of violence experienced and alleged electoral malpractices reported in a few areas. Low turnout was generally recorded in most of the areas registering below 30% voter turn up.

Joint teams comprising of headquarters staff and regional offices combined effort to conduct the undertaking. “The monitoring reports to be submitted to the Registrar after the exercise, will feed into Office accurate, current and national-wide data on the engagement of political parties in electoral processes. Such is important for policy direction and appropriate regulatory interventions by ORPP”, reads a monitoring guideline issued to the team prior to commencement of the task by the Planning department.

Assistant Registrar for Registration and Field Services Coordination CPA Florence Birya noted that such an exercise is necessary to cement the Office presence in the grassroots through the regional stations and foster inter-agency collaborations with ORPP. Accountability should be apportioned to the different players including the mass media in these by-elections and that must be exercised within the precincts of the law, noted Assistant Registrar Ali Surraw. “ Responsible  reporting and the need for verification of news sources in this period is critical”, cautioned Ali in a joint media and observers  briefing with IEBC officials at Bungoma Teachers’  Training Institute  ahead of Kabuchai by-election.


Fully packed tallying centre hall of London Ward in Nakuru West Constituency at Milimani Secondary School as a section of political leaders and their supporters spent the night awaiting final declaration of the by-election

The declared winners for the by elections   Peter Nabulindo, Matungu (Amani Nationa Congress); Joseph  Kalasinga, Kabuchai (FORD-Kenya); Anthony Nzuki, London (United Democratic Alliance); Virginia  Wamaitha, Hell’s gate (Jubillee Party);Malack Matara, Kiamokama (ODM); Sabastian Muli, Kitise / Kithuki (Wiper Democratic Party); Lucy Ngendo,Huruma Ward (Jubilee).

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