Imarisha Uchumi party, latest provisionally registered

Imarisha Uchumi Party (IUP) is the latest provisionally registered party after Registrar issued a certificate of provisional registration to a section party officials and members, on 12th July 2024 at ORPP headquarters.

“Work through the process of full registration within set timelines and conditions with integrity. This should include obtaining members consent on recruitment as well as upholding cordial relations of incoming officials with founding members”, Registrar, Ann Nderitu, CBS guided”.

“You must constitute governing body and other organs of the party that have interest of party and members. This will help attain party ideals and constitution including persuading them based on your ideology “Assistant Registrar, CPA Florence Birya, Registrar and Field Services Coordination guided.

Assistant Registrar, Ali Abdullahi as he wished well the party bearing in mind a host of compliance requirements.

A section of staff present led by Direction Compliance, Daniel Kinuthia and Head of Registration Department Locha Erukudi briefed of the party requirements for full registration. These included rights and privileges party at the initial stage, conditions for full registration, ICT obligations, management of records, financial accountability as stipulated in varied provision of the Political Parties Act, 2011.

Founding members present appreciated the guidance of the Office through the rigorous Registration process, commitment to the nuggets given.

Registrar Ann Nderitu, CBS (4th right) Assistant Registrars, Ali Abdullahi (3rd left) and CPA Florence Birya (4thleft) , Director Compliance, D.N. Kinuthia (2nd left) , Head of Registration Locha Erukudi (left) grant the Imarisha Uchumi Party (IUP) Certificate of provisional registration at the ORPP offices.



The ORPP team briefs Imarisha Uchumi Party (IUP) officials during an award session of provisional registration in the 4th floor boardroom.
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