Readvertisement of vacant positions – Deadline (3rd June,2024)


The Office of the Registrar of Political Parties is an independent State Office established by the Political Parties Act, 2011. The mandate of the Office is to register, regulate, supervise Political Parties, and administer the Political Parties Fund.

The Office invites applicants from suitably qualified serving officers in the public service for the following vacant positions.

S/No. Designation Grade No.  of Posts Advert No. Terms of Service
1. Assistant Director, Accounting Services 4 1 ORPP/1/2024 Pensionable
2. Assistant Director, Partnership and Resource Mobilization 4 1 ORPP/2/2024 Pensionable
3. Assistant Director, ICT 4 1 ORPP/3/2024 Pensionable
4. Assistant Director, Corporate Communication 4 1 ORPP/4/2024 Pensionable
5. Assistant Director, Compliance 4 1 ORPP/5/2024 Pensionable
6. Assistant Director Compliance (Political Parties Capacity Building) 4 1 ORPP/6/2024 Pensionable
7. Assistant Director Registration 4 1 ORPP/7/2024 Pensionable
8. Assistant Director  HRM 4 1 ORPP/8/2024 Pensionable

How to Apply;

  1. Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications by completing two copies of ORPP job application form. The application form can be downloaded here.
  2. Candidates should submit their applications (physical) together with a copy of the National ID, copies of academic certificates, testimonials, and any other relevant supporting documents so as to reach the Office on or before, 3rd June, 2024
  3. Applications should be addressed to:

Registrar of Political Parties

Lion Place, 4th Floor

Karuna Close, Waiyaki Way, Westlands

P. O. Box 1131-00606



  1. Office of the Registrar of Political Parties is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  2. Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
  3. Those applicants who had applied earlier NEED NOT re-apply
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Categories: Downloads, jobs, tenders
Downloads: 245
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