ORPP top leadership pays courtesy visits to County Officials during pre- launch of county offices

Prior to the launch of ORPP’s new offices,  the apex leadership visited various county officials to discuss areas of collaboration and support. In the meeting, the county officials assured their support to ORPP grassroot engagements in liaison with the respective Office Coordinators. “We are delighted as our discussion has unlocked bothering matter of coalitions in our Assemblies.” Said Garissa Speaker.

Malindi County office launch
Left: Registrar of Political Parties (third), Assistant Registrars; Ali Surraw (second left) and CPA Florence Birya (left), Malindi-based Marjorie Okeyo with the Speaker of County Assembly of Kilifi (3rd left) after their courtesy call at Speaker Chambers in Malindi town.

During the Malindi ORPP office launch, the Registrar of Political Parties Ann Nderitu, CBS and Assistant Registrars Ali Abdullahi, and CPA Florence Birya held discussions with Kilifi County Assembly Hon Teddy Mwambire at the Speaker’s office.

Registrar of Political Parties (third), Assistant Registrars; Ali Surraw (second left), and CPA Florence Birya (left) pose for a group photo with Officials of Garissa Governor’s office during a courtesy visit.

In Laikipia County, the Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu, CBS and Assistant Registrars-CPA Florence Birya and Ali Surraw paid courtesy to H.E. Joshua Irungu, Laikipia County Governor at his office in Nyahururu town.

Registrar of Political Parties (third), Assistant Registrars; Ali Abdullahi (second left), and CPA Florence Birya in discussions with Laikipia Governor H.E J. Irungu and part of his team at Governor’s satellite office in Nyahururu town.

“My legacy is to dignify women and all citizens of Laikipia County by putting up state-of-the-art health facilities as well as provisions of clean water, ensuring food security, and a host of other facilities. I am glad that ORPP has brought services through Nyahururu offices”, briefed H.E Joshua Irungu, E.G.H. during the courtesy call.

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