ORPP Conducts Election Monitoring for Re-scheduled

Teams of Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) conducted the last round of its general election monitoring from 28th to 31st August 2022 for eight (8) elective positions; two(2) gubernatorial, four (4) for Member of National Assembly and two (2) for Member of County Assembly.

The election was held on the 29th August, 2022 following postponement and scheduling of the date of the election by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) announced vide Kenya Gazette notices.

Areas contained in an IEBC’s published in a Special Issue of Kenya Gazette notice no. 9948, Vol. CXXIV- No. 169 of 23rd August, 2022 were Mombasa and Kakamega for gubernatorial; Kitui Rural, Kacheliba, Pokot South and Rongai (Members of National Assembly); Nyaki West and Kwa Njenga Wards for Members of County Assemblies.

Teams comprising of a section of staff from the headquarters, joined their counterparts in the regions and complemented by the County/ Constituency Monitors in the monitoring of exercise segmented into pre- polling activities, polling, counting and tallying and eventual declaration of results. The outcomes of each were relayed real-time for consolidation using now in place ORPP’s election monitoring mobile application.

Preliminary reports from the different areas on location indicated smooth running across the areas through the planning, voting and declaration of winners save for low turn out that marred most of the areas. Teams also camped at respective tallying centres to witness the announcement of the winners.

Some of the voters being guided on procedure of voting Pokot West constituencies and Nyaki West ward of Imenti North, Meru County

Some of the voters being guided on procedure of voting Pokot West constituencies and Nyaki West ward of Imenti North, Meru County

In the contest, political parties candidates carried the day with only one independent candidate clinching an MCA seat in Kwa Njenga ward of Embakasi South Constituency.Declared winners by respective IEBC’s returning officers  included Abdulswamad Nassir (Governor, Mombasa); Fernandes Odinga Barasa (Kakamega), both of the Orange Democratic Movement Party; Titus Lotee Kacheliba Con stituency) of Kenya Union Party (KUP) was declared the winner of Kacheliba parliamentary seat in West Pokot County. David Mwalika (Kitui Rural) of Wiper Party, Kenya Union Party (KUP) David Pkosing (Pokot South), parliamentary election; United Democratic Party (UDA) Paul Kibet Chebor (Rongai Constituency) Kirima Kimondo (Nyaki West ward) and; Francis Kiragu Kimondo Independent candidate for Kwa Njenja ward also won the elections respectively.

Declaration of Abdulswamad Nassir has the governor elect for Mombasa county

Declaration of Abdulswamad Nassir has the governor elect for Mombasa county

“It was a tight race as I was competing against 16 candidates in the race. I attribute my win to the electorates un wavering trust in me and my political support and commit to work with all that leaders in the ward including those lost in this race”, noted the MCA-elect, Kirima Mubichi accompanied his counterparts UDA’s elected leaders and party officials at the Kaaga Constituency Tallying centre after being declared the winner.

The ORPP monitoring exercise follows a successful country-wide for the polls held in 9th August, 2022 that has generated insights critical for subsequent policy direction.

Nyaki West MCA elect, Kirima Mubichi after being declared the winner

Nyaki West MCA elect, Kirima Mubichi after being declared the winner

During this period exercise, a number of independent local and international observers were witnessed that included the national and local-based media, Independent Policing Oversight Authority, National Gender and Equality Commission, European Union among others.

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