Wajir Women Caucus on a study visit to ORPP

To action part of stakeholder feedback out of recently launched new Garissa office, the ORPP hosted and sensitized Wajir County Assembly Women Caucus on 22nd May, in Nairobi. Governance and leadership for change; legal and policy framework on inclusion; strategies for enhanced participation of women in elections, gender mainstreaming among others areas were discussed.

“I commend our Garissa office for spearheading such an important collaboration with Wajir County Assembly. This demonstrates our focus on promoting women’s inclusion in politics, electoral processes and leading in unshackling the electoral barriers women face during elections.” said the Registrar, Ann Nderitu, CBS in her remarks.

The speaker of the Wajir County Assembly Hon. Abdille Yusuf appreciated session terming it a way of empowering women to achieve strategic development.

“We must advocate for elimination of discrimination against women through use of workable strategies such as gender impact assessment, capacity building, public consultation and gender budgeting”, advised Assistant Registrar, Ali Abdullahi.

Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu (seated third left) Assistant Registrar of Political Parties, Ali Abdullahi, a section of ORPP officials and NIMD officials pose for a group photo with Wajir County Assembly Women Caucus

The two-day forum is part of ORPP efforts for collaboration with Counties and County Assemblies towards institutional- izing leadership, governance and inclusion. Such will also bolster regular consultations on political parties varied as- pects such registration, compliance, coalitions, funding and other parties’ regulation processes. The session was an initiation of ORPP’s Garissa Regional office and was sup- ported by Netherlands Institute of Multi-party Democracy (NIMD).

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