Registration of suppliers for the Financial Years 2022/23 – 2023-24 has been finalized after due process has been finalized following floating of Tender No. ORPP/01/2022/2024 – Registration of Suppliers for Goods, Works and Services for the stated period. Submission of bids by potential suppliers published on 6th September, 2022 closed on deadline of 23rd of the same month at 11.00 on completion of statutory publication period.
On the closure, the bids were opened and data captured in the last week of September and evaluation done mid October by opening and evaluation Committees appointed by the Accounting Officer in line with prescriptions of Public Procurement and Assent Disposal Act, 2022.
The outcome of the evaluation containing lists of successful and unsuccessful bids is published on ORPP website and Public Procurement Information Portal, for notification and information.