Registro de Partidos Políticos
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- Registro de Partidos Políticos
Solicitud de registro
Registration of any association of persons or organization as a political party occurs upon application to the Registrar of Political Parties.
Major roles of political parties include: Enhancing democratic participation through political mobilization by encouraging the public to participate in elections; and formulating public policies, recruitment and selection of political leaders.
The Constitution and the PPA provides that a person disqualified from holding public office or belonging to another political party shall also not be a founding member of a political party.
Registration of a political party is a two-fold process which encompasses:
- Registro provisional
- Full registration
Provisional Registration
La solicitud de registro provisional de un partido político propuesto, entre otros debe ser:
- por escrito y firmado por los solicitantes de los cuales no más de dos tercios serán del mismo género;
- incluir el acta firmada de la primera reunión de los miembros fundadores del partido político;
- set out the name of the party;
- include a request for the registration of the symbol and slogan of the political party;
- si la parte desea utilizar una abreviatura de su nombre, establezca esa abreviatura.
- be accompanied by a copy of the Constitution and rules of the proposed political party which shall comply with the provisions of section 9;
- be accompanied by a statement of the ideology of the proposed political party;
- presentation of party website and membership recruitment demonstration; and
- include an undertaking to be bound by this Act and the Code of Conduct set out in the First Schedule; and be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
List of provisionally registered parties
Un partido que ha sido registrado provisionalmente debe solicitar el registro completo, dentro de los 180 días a partir de la fecha del registro provisional. Un partido político registrado provisionalmente está calificado para estar completamente registrado si cumple con las condiciones establecidas en la Ley.
Full registration
Application for full registration of a proposed political party, among others must be:
- in writing and shall be signed by an authorized official of the political party
- ha reclutado como miembros, no menos de mil votantes registrados de cada uno de más de la mitad de los condados;
- the members referred to in paragraph (a) reflect regional and ethnic diversity, gender balance and representation of special interest groups;
- the composition of its governing body reflects regional and ethnic diversity, gender balance and representation of special interest groups;
- no más de dos tercios de los miembros de su órgano de gobierno son del mismo género;
- ha demostrado que los miembros de su órgano de gobierno cumplen con los requisitos del Capítulo Sexto de la Constitución y las leyes relativas a la ética;
- ha presentado al Registrador:
- una lista de los nombres, direcciones y datos de identificación de todos sus miembros;
- la ubicación de su oficina central, que será una oficina registrada dentro de Kenia y una dirección postal a la que se pueden enviar avisos y otras comunicaciones; y
- the location and addresses of the branch offices of the political party, which shall be in more than half of the counties;
- the disaggregated data of its membership based on each of the components of the special interest groups; and
- the address of the official website of the political party.
- include an undertaking to be bound by this Act and the Code of Conduct set out in the First Schedule; and be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
List of Fully registered parties
Read More: On Change of Names of Political Parties