تسجيل الأحزاب السياسية

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  3. تسجيل الأحزاب السياسية

تطبيق للتسجيل

Registration of any association of persons or organization as a political party occurs upon application to the Registrar of Political Parties.

Major roles of political parties include: Enhancing democratic participation through political mobilization by encouraging the public to participate in elections; and formulating public policies, recruitment and selection of political leaders.

The Constitution and the PPA provides that a person disqualified from holding public office or belonging to another political party shall also not be a founding member of a political party.

Registration of a political party is a two-fold process which encompasses:

  • التسجيل المشروط
  • Full registration

Provisional Registration

يجب أن يكون طلب التسجيل المؤقت لحزب سياسي مقترح ، من بين أمور أخرى:

  • كتابيًا وموقعًا من المتقدمين الذين لا يجب أن يكون أكثر من ثلثيهم من نفس الجنس ؛
  • تضمين محضر الاجتماع الأول الموقعة للأعضاء المؤسسين للحزب السياسي ؛ 
  • set out the name of the party;
  • include a request for the registration of the symbol and slogan of the political party;
  • إذا رغب الحزب في استخدام اختصار لاسمه ، فحدّد هذا الاختصار.
  • be accompanied by a copy of the Constitution and rules of the proposed political party which shall comply with the provisions of section 9;
  • be accompanied by a statement of the ideology of the proposed political party;
  • presentation of party website and membership recruitment demonstration; and
  • include an undertaking to be bound by this Act and the Code of Conduct set out in the First Schedule; and be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

List of provisionally registered parties

يجب على الطرف الذي تم تسجيله مؤقتًا التقدم بطلب التسجيل الكامل ، في غضون 180 يومًا من تاريخ التسجيل المؤقت. الحزب السياسي المسجل مؤقتًا مؤهل للتسجيل الكامل إذا استوفى الشروط المنصوص عليها في القانون.

Full registration

Application for full registration of a proposed political party, among others must be:

  • in writing and shall be signed by an authorized official of the political party
  • جندت كأعضاء ما لا يقل عن ألف ناخب مسجل من كل من أكثر من نصف المقاطعات ؛
  • the members referred to in paragraph (a) reflect regional and ethnic diversity, gender balance and representation of special interest groups;
  • the composition of its governing body reflects regional and ethnic diversity, gender balance and representation of special interest groups;
  • ما لا يزيد عن ثلثي أعضاء مجلس إدارتها من نفس الجنس ؛
  • أثبتت أن أعضاء مجلس إدارتها يستوفون متطلبات الفصل السادس من الدستور والقوانين المتعلقة بالأخلاق ؛
  • ha presentado al Registrador:
    • قائمة بأسماء وعناوين وتفاصيل تعريف جميع أعضائها ؛
    • موقع مكتبها الرئيسي ، والذي يجب أن يكون مكتبًا مسجلاً داخل كينيا وعنوانًا بريديًا يمكن إرسال الإشعارات والمراسلات الأخرى إليه ؛ و
    • the location and addresses of the branch offices of the political party, which shall be in more than half of the counties;
    • the disaggregated data of its membership based on each of the components of the special interest groups; and
    • the address of the official website of the political party.
  • include an undertaking to be bound by this Act and the Code of Conduct set out in the First Schedule; and be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

List of Fully registered parties

Read More: On Change of Names of Political Parties

الوثائق ذات الصلة
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