Registrar and Assistant Registrar dedicate session  with Wajir County youth and Assembly leadership

The Registrar Ann Nderitu, CBS, and Assistant Registrar Ali Abdullahi held discussions with the leadership of the County Assembly of Wajir led by Hon. Speaker Abdille Yusuf on 21st June 2024 at Wajir County courtesy of coordination of ORPP’s Garissa office. Before the meeting, the team held capacity-building sessions with youth in Wajir town on 20th June 2024.

“We are committed and delighted to partner with Wajir County for members’ deeper understanding of the working and processes of political parties including coalitions. We want to strengthen the Assembly’s entire leadership including focused sensitization of Special interest groups like women, PwDs, and caucuses, engagement we had already commenced”, said the Registrar.

“We are committed to strengthening better involvement of members in their parties and services to the people,” noted Ali Abdullahi while clarifying membership requirements for elected leaders.

Registrar Ann Nderitu, Assistant Registrar of Political Parties, Ali Abdullahi in traditional regalia, and ORPP Garissa officer, Ifrah Isaak and Muhtar join a section of Wajir County Assembly Women Caucus in a traditional gig as a curtain raiser to a youth engagement forum held at the grand oasis hotel on 20th June 2024.

“I’m delighted for the progress the Assembly has been in promoting active political participation making Wajir one of the most vibrant counties in the region”, noted Ifrah Isaak,  the Garissa County Coordinator who also oversees Wajir and  Mandera counties.

“We are focused on enacting over 30 pieces of legislation in the tenure of the house and to equip members with skills and expertise to effectively deliver services and transform the country”, noted Speaker, Hon Abdille Yusuf.


Leaders of the County Assembly of Wajir in a discussion with Registrar  of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu, and Assistant Registrar of Political  Parties, Ali Abdullahi at the Speaker’s office, Wajir Town

Leaders of the Assembly appreciated the impactful capacity-building efforts of members, recently held for its women  Caucus, calling for more engagements and regular consultations for the whole Assembly.

The Registrar outlined some of the ICT and legal reforms including improving political parties’ nomination for fair and just processes.

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