Kenya's Political Education Source Book

Tailor made to equip political leaders, officials of political parties, members of political parties, election aspirants and general population with appropriate information, relevant knowledge, skills and desired attitudes for informed and meaningful participation. Training programs conducted under this source material are envisioned to enable users make informed choices and decisions in the political and electoral processes. This book is targeted to be of value in understanding registration and management of political parties. It is also a useful resource for Researchers, scholars, Trainer of Trainers (TOT), political leaders and the general citizenry.

A training tool box for party members, election aspirants and political leaders

Book covers the following areas: Mandate, Vision, Core values of ORPP; Legal framework governing political and electoral processes; Registration of Political Parties; Membership of Political Parties and Information management; Political Party Organization and Management; Political Parties Fund administration and accountability; Political Party’s coalition and mergers; Inclusivity and participation of Special Interest Groups; Leadership and Eligibility criteria for Aspirants; Political party primaries and nominations; Campaign planning strategy and management; Strategic communication public speaking and media relations; Management of political conflicts; Managing political and election outcomes and Emerging issues within the political spaces.

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Hard copy






25.5 x 18 cm

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