Corporate Affairs
Lion Place Nairobi, Kenya; December,13,2019.
The Executive Directors from various fully registered political parties have appreciated the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) for its strive towards improvement of the political parties’ management system. The Directors view adds to the voice of the stakeholders who have held that the Integrated Political Parties Management System (IPPMS) to be a key ICT solution towards a robust and centralised source of data for its varied modules.
This was brought out during the Executive Directors and a section of ORPP staff training of IPPMS held on the 9th and 11th December 2019 in Machakos. Participants were taken; through bulk uploads of membership data, users’ credentials, generation of reports, audits trails, safety and security measures among a host other general management of the system. The forum was also used as an opportunity for the Office’s to receive views from varied stakeholders for improving on the system.
The resonating message from all present was that of a system that is good intended and which if put to its full use, can address the previous gaps experienced in management of political parties’ data and broader area of data cleansing during electioneering process with focus on party primaries. “It is a good system that we need to support and we should work together to enhance”, observed Mr. Daniels Taabu, one of the Executive Directors.
A section of Executive Directors during the training conducted by ORPP from
9th to 11th December, 2019 at the Kyaka Hotel in Machakos.
The Office is committed to building capacity for the users of the system as one of the raft reforms in the election processes, observed Joseph Nyongesa of ICT. His counterpart Lenard Rotich noting “one of our key reasons for being here is not just train but take stock of the recommendations you make on the system”. From inception of IPPMS, which has come a long way, we can guarantee that the system is safe, secure and universally embraces the tenets of system integration and compatibility, assured Bob Waithaka, the Head of ICT Unit.
Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu (right) leads in cutting a
courtesy cake to mark a successful completion of the training
Key issues identified for improvement surrounded areas such as; improving collaborative networks for integration of IPPMS with those of related government agencies; improving on systemic notifications to the users; enhance data segregation; analysis of data as research insights especially in respect to special interest groups and possibly opening up the usage to members of the public.
“The feedback we receive from end-user enables ORPP to effect changes for the system to be responsive to fluid tech-world dynamics and aspirations of the users. In particular, it will help us iron out any systemic gaps and be prepared in good time ahead of the forthcoming general elections”, noted the Registrar of Political Parties, Ann Nderitu. Further, she noted that it was about time for varied sector players to make appropriate political data available to the citizens to guide and inform their political choices. “Moving forward, we must move to the next level such as ensuring clean data and seamless full integration. We envisage new applications for political parties registration be processed through the system”, Registrar guided.
ORPP team debriefs to chart a way forward at the
closure of the IPPMS training
The training, supported by the UN Women, was part of the continued streak of ORPP putting in place relevant systems and solutions in line with government commitment to automate service processes as encapsulated in its directives for e-business.