In a significant international engagement, a delegation from the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) in Kenya embarked on a knowledge-sharing mission in September 2023 to the Hans Seidel Foundation in Berlin, Germany. The delegation had the unique opportunity to delve into Germany’s political landscape, with a particular focus on the intricate relationship between political parties and political foundations. They explored the dynamic interplay of political ideologies, election preparations, and post-election behavior.
An enlightening observation was that, in Germany, political parties wield significant influence, often outweighing individual party leaders. The experience reinforced the importance of robust democracy and its potential to safeguard against dictatorial tendencies. As a valuable recommendation stemming from the visit, the delegation proposed the establishment of archives for political parties and the Museum of Kenya, which would serve the vital function of record-keeping. Additionally, they emphasized the need for regular research initiatives to continually address pertinent issues related to political parties.