Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) held discussions with the Office of the Registrar of Political Par- ties (ORPP) on 6th November, 2023 at Office headquarters. The deliberations centered on ways of supporting political parties in Kenya towards promotion of democracy and good governance. A roadmap of early mooted thought of estab- lishing schools of democracy in Kenya and guidelines to enhance actualizing parties’ ideologies and manifestos was further explored.
“It is in such mutual engagements that this Office continue to support other countries in the region and beyond to en- trench democracy and good governance. As such, ORPP has been supporting countries like the Somaliland to estab- lish its political parties management framework”, said Assistant, Ali Abdullah
Registrar of Political Parties, a section of ORPP officials (right) togeth- er with NIMD and Somaliland delegation hold discussions at board- room headquarters on 6th November
Assistant Registrar, CPA Florence Birya further informing that ORPP has developed ideology and manifesto guide- lines for political parties in Kenya ,a milestone borne of a series of engagement with Netherlands Institute for Multi Democracy (NIMD) and country’s stakeholders.
“We are committed to building dialogue framework including schools of democracy, working closely with political parties through their relevant organs such as Political Parties Liai- son Committee”, said the Registrar, Ann Nderitu in her ad-
dress, highlighting areas of collaboration between the two institutions. The Registrar noted the need for political parties to upscale inclusion especially of the youth through proactive initiatives such targeted youth mentorship in political parties.
“This Office has actively been involved in capacity building of political parties and players beyond the region with a fo- cus on good governance, political dialogue inclusion which are key in creating political harmony at national and cross boarder level”, underscored the Registrar.
“The NIMD is delighted and has drawn useful les- sons from Kenyan political parties regulatory mod-
is a global phenomenon. Youth, particularly, are a critical component that makes democracy thrive”, said Thijs Ber- man, NIMD Executive Director, leading the team. His Kenya-based counterpart, Ronald Ojwang highlighted a raft of running and planned capacity building programmes for political parties including ongoing leadership programme for elected and nominated Parliamentarians and a planned Women and Youth in Democracy programme meant to build leadership capabilities for youth in political sphere.
“Somaliland has chosen Kenya and indeed ORPP’s exper- tise to guide its development of a functional political parties regulatory framework in our country. We have immensely benefited from ORPP expertise. We still request for support in our planned programmes”, appreciated Abdijalil Korshel ,Somaliland’s Country Director, accompanied by Kristina Miletic, the NIMD Grants Coordinator Somaliland/ Horn of Africa.
The meeting was also attended by a section of senior ORPP officers as coordinated by partnership and linkages department.